Samidha, a short film by GS Raj Kumar is a biopic on the life of Ravinder Kaushik, a former RAW agent who was trained in India and in the later years have become a Major in Pakistan army. He is the invisible hero of India, the Nation's best spy to reach top ranks in Pakistan army.
The makers of Samidha were inspired by Ravinder Kaushik's life and had done an extensive research to make this prestigious short film. While Raj Kumar stepped into the shoes of Ravinder Kaushik, Divya Sree plays his partner and wife Amanat role. The trailer is striking and quite impressive.
Samidha produced by Naveen Prince with rich technical values on NVR Productions, has DOP by Giri and Bijo, BGM by Pvr Raja, SFX & Mixing by Salmon Jakkala, Editing, DI and VFX by Himanshu Gottiparthi. Venugopal Reddy & Irfan are the costume designers. Publicity Designing is by Devbheem Edits.
రియల్లీ సూపర్బ్ అన్న
ReplyDeleteThank You Isaaq Samidha is Coming Soon ... Hope you will like this for sure
DeleteReally awesome..
ReplyDeleteThank You ... Samidha is Coming Soon ... Hope you will like this for sure