There has been buzz earlier on actor Venkatesh's daughter Aashritha Daggubati's wedding. The wedding date has been finalized on 24th November. Aashritha will be marrying he grandson of Surendar Reddy (Chairman of Hyderabad Race Club). The venue and other details haven't been revealed though. Ashritha opted for a love marriage to which both the families agreed and fixed marriage date.
Aashritha is a professional baker who runs outlet by the name “Infinity Platter” on Instagram. She is a known person among social media followers yet leads a simple life. The wedding and Reception event are going to be a grand gala, and several celebrities from all fraternities are expected to grace the grand wedding.
With the date being announced, the wedding festivities are going to begin in both the families, and we congratulate the couple on their happiest occasion of their lives.
Venkatesh's daughter Aashritha wedding date
Reviewed by firstshowz
10:11 am
Rating: 5
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