Kalyan Krishna who directed fantasy drama Soggade Chinni Nayana announced prequel project Bangarraju long back, and the film was in news for last two years yet didn't materialize. Finally, here's some update from the makers.
Nagarjuna and Naga Chaitanya will be seen together in Bangarraju, and fans are awaiting for the movie. The music compositions are underway and Anup Rubens, Kalyan Krishna and other are partaking in it.
Nagarjuna, Naga Chaitanya's Bangarraju will be officially launched in few more weeks and the cameras will roll from 2019 itself. The cast and crew details are to be finalized. Stick to this space for Bangarraju details.
Nagarjuna, Naga Chaitanya's Bangarraju movie latest update
Reviewed by firstshowz
7:43 pm
Rating: 5
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