Kaliyugam Pattanamlo,a mysterious crime thriller hits the theatres today with decent expectations. Recently film's trailer got good buzz raising the curiosity on how the film's plot is being developed. Kaliyugam Pattanamlo has Vishwa Karthikeya and Aayushi Patel in prominent roles. Ramakhanth Reddy has alone written and directed this film and produced under Nani Movie Works, Raama Creations banner by Dr Kandula Chandra Obul Reddy, Gaddam Maheswara Reddy, Katam Ramesh.
About Kaliyugam Pattanamlo:
The story starts of in Nandyala town where the series of killings happen on a mysterious note. The Cops are also clueless about mysterious killings. Anish Kuruvilla , a senior cop official appoints Shivangi (Chitrashukla) to crack this undercover operation without disturbing the public in Nandyala town.
On the other note, Vijay and Sagar (Vishva Karthikeya) are twins and live with thier parents in the town. Sagar has a pathological problem from bleeding animals to death. His father (Devi Prasad) puts him in a mental rehab center to avoid him to come into their family due to the society pressure.
Vijay (Vishva Karthikeya) is a passionate youngster who goes to college with his friends Shravani (Aayushi Patel) and Harsha (Naren Rama). One fine day Shravani proposes Vijay after falling for him on his behaviour. Twist in the tale arises among the three when their lives goes into the dark phase situations.
How did Vijay, Shravani deal the situations ? Did Shivangi solves this mystery is rest of the story.
Vishva Karthikeya gave his best in double role showcasing good and the bad side of his characters. His expressions and dialogue delivery is improved than his earlier films.
Aayushi Patell gets a challenging role in her debut film. She gave her best and has good opportunity to prove her acting talent throughout the film.
Chitra Shukla looks terrific in the cop role
Narain Rama has a limited role but has a good twist in his character in the latter half.
The remaining characters done Devi Prasad, Rupa Lakshmi, Anish Kuruvilla are decent
Film Director Ramakhanth Reddy deals this subject in a realistic way of showcasing the current society's problematic behavior. His plot has the strong point to convince the society on how not to raise one's children. Somehow the director took so much time to conclude his point.
Production Values by Nani Movie Works, Raama Creations are okay
Music and BGM of Ajay Arasada gets decent response
Cinematography by Charan Madhavaneni is okay
Editing by Garry BH could have been better
Kaliyugam Pattanamlo Movie has an interesting scenes in both the halves of the film. Though the film starts on a slow note, the director took time to reveal the character's main intentions. The film's first half has a youthful elements and has good twists before the pre interval block. The second half of the film gets into the real dose of the commercial elements where the film carries the seat edged thrilling scenes.
The Pre Climax block has ended in a simpler way with characters justification by giving twists l. Looks like the director is in hurry to engage audience about revealing that Kaliyugam Pattanamlo is also going to have the 2nd part by ending the title card as "Kaliyugam Nagaramlo".
Kaliyugam Pattanamlo is a decent mysterious thriller with seat edged sequences.
RATING : 3/5
Kaliyugam Pattanamlo Movie Review
Reviewed by firstshowz
3:08 pm
Rating: 5
Movie Chusanu Parledu Ok And Screenplay Baledu Story Ekkado Start Ayyi Ekkadiko Vellipoyindi So Hero Acting Mari To much Over Cinematography Ok ok Bgm Mari To Much
Movie Chusanu Parledu Ok And Screenplay Baledu Story Ekkado Start Ayyi Ekkadiko Vellipoyindi So Hero Acting Mari To much Over Cinematography Ok ok Bgm Mari To Much