Young and talented hero Vishwak Sen who is riding high with the success of Gaami celebrates his birthday today. On the occasion, the makers of his milestone 10th movie #VS10 have revealed its title and also its first look poster. The movie is directed by debutant Ravi Teja Mullapudi with popular producer Ram Talluri of SRT Entertainments banner producing it on a grand scale has Meenakshi Chaudhary playing the leading lady opposite Vishwak Sen.
The movie is titled powerfully Mechanic Rocky. The title poster is designed creatively. It is given a feel of speed with Mechanic designed as a wrench. We can also see an image of Vishwak in Rocky. The first look poster presents Vishwak Sen in a mass and powerful avatar as he is seen smoking a cigarette with a big wrench in his hand with a mischievous expression on face. He sports a light beard and wears a stylish outfit. We can see mechanic shed in the background. The title logo and first look poster are remarkable.
Billed to be a comedy and action entertainer, the movie features some noted technicians working for it. The film has music by Jakes Bejoy. While Manojh Katasani cranks the camera, Anwar Ali is the editor and Kranthi Priyam is the production designer. Satyam Rajesh and Vidya Sagar J are the executive producers.
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